
ElectraPay Developments:

ElectraPay plugin:

As we continue working on ElectraPay’s global payment plugin, we are excited to report that it is almost complete. The advancements that we have worked towards will allow for more straightforward implementation onto merchant platforms and websites.

ElectraPay point of sale: MVP release.

Users will find that the new ElectraPay-POS application is a straightforward solution that will allow merchants to generate a payment locally just by typing in the terminal the checkout value. The generated order will then shown on the customer’s screen for payment.

Connect the application to your ElectraPay account, manage and follow your payments’ details, generate orders, and be paid by your customer.

Wallet update v2.1.3

This update includes a bulk of backports, some UI improvements, and miscellaneous non-critical fixes.

While this update is not mandatory, we highly recommend that you choose to update.

Electra v3.0 development progress

Based on the development of the Electra v3.0, we continue to implement new features while simultaneously completing the testing phases. After completing the updated integrations and once the team is confident with the functionality through our testnet, we will announce an official release date through our various communication platforms.

Electra GitHub pull request to Ren protocol network

With the call coming from the Ren Protocol team, we elected to submit Electra to Ren Protocol to be included as collateral into their finance ecosystem. Our pull request has been completed, and we are waiting for the Ren Protocol team to accept and include $ECA.

Website design and content for both and Electrapayonline are currently undergoing revisions and improvements. Content and graphics have been prepared and uploaded to temporary websites so that we can continue to develop each site further. It is our sincere hope to bring both websites to the final stage within the upcoming months.

Documentation has been created and uploaded on the ElectraPay website, which contains tutorials and how-to guides on ElectraPay use with the Point-of-Sale system and Electra Mobile Wallet.


Dear community,

We have the following updates to share with you.


As you are aware, the Electra Foundation believes it is part of our responsibility to help the Electra community as much as possible during times of unfortunate events. Over the past year, we have put much effort in keeping the community informed regarding all Cryptopia hack developments.

Recently a new update from Grant Thornton, NZ, was published on the Cryptopia website. To summarize, Grant Thornton has announced that the final phase of returning the holdings to the rightful owners will commence towards the end of this year.

There will be three stages during this phase, which will include the following objectives. During the first stage, all account holders will need to claim their locked funds. The second stage will require all holders to identify themselves via a KYC procedure. Upon completion of both of these steps, Grant Thornton intends to return all funds to those affected.

For more detailed information, we would like to refer you to their webpage dedicated to keeping account holders updated on the Cryptopia hack, which contains a Frequently Asked Questions section:

Premine funds management

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive is why the entire pre-mine funds are not under the Foundation’s safekeeping. Currently, the Foundation manages over 190 million ECA and a small diversified portfolio of other cryptocurrencies. As previously noted, Electra’s founding developer, Electra01 (E01), oversees 850 million ECA from the pre-mine.

After many months of repeatedly being asked questions concerning the amount Electra01 holds, the team decided to reach out to Electra01 to discuss this matter. Discussions are ongoing and progressing, with all parties wanting to see the Electra Project move forward in the direction that brings about more awareness and growth to our long term intentions.

As always, if you have questions or suggestions, please reach out to us.

On behalf of the board,

Robert Bakker


ElectraPay mutation

This year, we have witnessed many milestones in the Electra Project’s overall history as we released products for use cases in a live environment.

After witnessing the test use cases and the discussions that occurred around each scenario, the Electra Core Team decided to split Electra into business categories, where the Electra Project website will remain; however, the content will be more focused on investors. New websites for our products are currently under development, which will bring about awareness of each product to merchants and customers.

Regarding the decision to branch into divisions, we engaged a brand renaming for all our products under the “ElectraPay” name. The intention is to make more sense for lambda users of using a payment product than “a crypto-geek” application and because it will be easily recognizable as a payment solution by everyone.

We also simplified our products since we believe that it will make it easier to access our technologies by everyone, which is the key to our future success.

ElectraPay Business Planning

For the next business cases of Electra, we are working on refining our business plan. The goal behind this is to assist us in reaching investors. These investments will let us increase our ability to develop our solutions and a better communication plan to enhance the adoption of Electrapay’s systems.


STEX “Net Buying Volume” competition

During August, the Electra foundation and STEX exchange prepared another trading competition where 25 prizes were distributed among the winners. Such contests bring some more activity to Electra trading, and we congratulate the winners and appreciate all the people who contributed to the competition.

Top exchange applications

We would like to remind the Electra Community that the team is progressing towards listing ECA on top exchanges. Since the top exchanges have strict rules and concrete policies, we can’t disclose any further information due to NDA. However, we want to keep you up-to-date on this important topic, as progress on this topic is going well.

Mug design contest

We recently had some community members approach us with the idea of holding a contest that will allow our supporters to express their creativity while bringing about additional awareness to the Electra Project. The contest announcement and information about it can be found through the following link: Electra mug design contest.

Additional information to the mug competition can be found here: Electra Mug Competition PDF.

Uptrennd social media channel

As a community project, we are trying to expand our user base by joining several social platforms. Uptrennd is one of the newest platforms that we joined. Like Twitter, Facebook, and social media platforms, we started using Uptrennd as a way to keep our community informed of our achievements, news, and announcements. For those who utilize the Uptrennd platform, we ask that you please follow the Electra Project.

ElectraPay Raffle

An ECA Raffle Pack has been awarded, shipped, and received by one of our loyal community users with congratulations going to xxACxx! A live draw was streamed on YouTube on September 22. This raffle was hosted through the Electra Shop, where the contestants used ElectraPay as the unique form of payment. If you have yet to visit the Electra Shop, we encourage you to do so today.

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