Development & Marketing Update for October 2019
Welcome to another monthly update on the progress made by the Electra Team! Let’s start!
CSA Group Malta
Last month, we announced a partnership with CSA Group Malta. CSA Group provided their second legal opinion letter which we want to use during our European exchange applications. This legal opinion letter is important as we are entering a stage where governments are beginning to implement regulations for crypto markets.
Visit CSA Goup Malta: https://csagroup.mt/
Binance community project voting
Binance announced and invited community projects for voting. Due to this announcement, we prepared the necessary information and submitted our application to Binance. We hope that our application will be accepted for the voting competition.
Exchange discussions
We are currently in discussions with several exchanges and we had some mid-scale exchange discussions as well. We will continue to investigate their proposals and determine the added value for the Electra Project.
During October, our developers continued to make good progress towards the development of ElectraPay. The following changes were completed:
- Use access JWT tokens and refresh tokens: The implementation of JWT tokens will ensure that a merchant is authenticated and able to transact securely.
- Account registration is completed: Merchants will soon be able to register for ElectraPay. Once ElectraPay is fully operational, registered merchants will receive a welcome email and will then be able to set their password upon their first login.
- Forgot password is completed: Merchants who forget or lose their password will be able to securely reset their password.
November’s focus of completion:
- Landing page: This the pre-login page that all visitors will be able to access. It will be a basic website that contains ElectraPay product information, guidelines, and a FAQ section.
- Account details edit: Once the merchant has logged in, they will be able to view their information. Users will also be able to modify their current information.
- Generate API Keys: The account will have an API key linked to it. If a user decides to use a payment gateway plugin on their e-commerce site, they will need an API Key to integrate ElectraPay into it.
- Edit settings: There is some basic account information that is required to be set.

iOS Wallet development update
- Completed: Modified the UI of the bread wallet clone to remove multi-currency and integrated ECA as the main currency.
- Completed: Added terms of agreement screen on the registration page.
- To do: Work through each screen to ensure that the look and feel is the same as the android wallet.
- To do: Fix the menu and submenus design and functions, (an ongoing task).
- To do: Testing of all functionality and ensure the integration into the ECA blockchain is functioning correctly.
- To do: Integrate correct translation.
See below screenshots for an impression of the current progress that is being made.

Progress made by user support department
- Looking at new tipbots to have control when bots go down to get them back up sooner.
- Integrating update notification in the desktop QT wallet to inform the user of new mandatory updates and optional updates
Electra University
Our Electra University is a long term goal that is constantly being worked on. The purpose of Electra University will be to provide educational information to new and current users on the basics of crypto so that everyone can easily develop a better understanding of concepts of cryptocurrency and Electra.
We have working code for the Ledger device and we have been able to generate an Electra address in the device. The next phase is to create the Ledger live app which will allow it to send ECA and manage the Electra wallet.

Follow the work of Electra developers — explained
We have created a specific room in Electra’s Discord channel that shows in real time the ongoing work that is occuring. An example of the coding progress is provided and explained below.

While we are aware that most users do not understand the technical aspect of coding, your understanding of this aspect is not our intended purpose in providing this channel. The github-commit room has been provided as a way to show that our developers never stop working on creating a world-class project.
To give you a better understanding of what you are seeing in this room. A developer codes the modification locally on their computer, then when the work is done they upload the piece into Github. This step is called a “commit”. This “commit” is usually a post with a quick summary of what it includes.

On the screen above, you see the name of the developer updating the code. In the second line the name of the repository modified, below that line you will find the commits.
Each commit is a change in the code and has a reference number. It can be a simple fix such as correcting a spelling mistake or a more complicated piece such as adding a whole new feature. Each new piece contains everything the developer wants to include or change in the main code.
Commits can be merged directly with the main code, or go through a step called “Pull Request”. This step is specific because it may be necessary depending on the origin of the commits. We will not confuse you with that here, let’s stay that it is accessible for everyone to review.
A Pull Request brings together one or more commits and is a transition between the commit(s) and final integration into the main code. A gateway that allows the developer to review the changes before the merge in the main code.

Ruanne opened a “Pull Request” with 2 commits inside, this change comes from a different version of the code (which can be viewed if you click on the link). This version is used to develop a specific part of the code without compromise the main one. Here it is pulled from “merchantapi” branch to the main code called “master” branch. This is a very common use of the Pull Request.
This pull request contains 2 commits (c58199b and d87c7ff). The Pull Request as a number as well and is registered in the code change history (#54–4723172).
We hope that by providing this quick explanation to what you see in the newly created github-commit room, you are able to understand at least a bit of what is going on in the Electra development process that you can see in this discord room.
A word from Jenova
As many of you are aware, Jenova and his family recently experienced a devastating house fire. Once again, the Electra Community came through in showing how strong we are and how much we care for one another. A total of 3,632,000 ECA was raised as a way to show our love and support for Jenova.
Below a word from Jenova:
As you know, I lost everything in the fire of my house and despite my privileged position and knowledge of crypto, I made a huge mistake. Indeed, as I repeat to users every time, you must be very careful to store your wallets and private keys safely. I thought that making encrypted backups on different machines would protect me.
Fortunately, I had stored my ECA wallet on different encrypted USB sticks at another physical environment rather than my house.
Finally, I would like to thank all the people who made a donation, all the support messages I received, people who sent me messages to find out if I was doing well and how things were going.
Thanks to all of you!
And a word by The Electra Team:
Welcome back to the community Jenova, we are so glad that you and your family were not physically harmed and that you have been able to return to the Electra community.
To conclude this report
As can be seen in this October update, we have been extremely busy in continuing to build the Electra Project. While at times it may appear that things are not progressing as fast as we all would like for things to go, we must remember:
“If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?” — John Wooden
Please continue to be a part of our community discussions on one of our many platforms. Until next month!
The Electra Team
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