Development & Marketing Update for September 2019
Switching from Engineering calls to written reports.
We have noticed some people have had difficulties finding older updates on the progress of the project. They had to listen to earlier recorded engineering calls which was not a very efficient method to find information. Monthly written updates will have a greater reach as not everyone is able to listen to the Engineering calls. Because it was a good way to let people hear our voices, we are going to switch to AMA sessions where the community can ask their questions on Twitter by using a hashtag.
Forms to attract new people into the team
We have received quite a few responses from people willing to help the team. We are currently trying to put all respondents in the most effective positions for their knowledge and expertise.
Renewed welcome message Telegram
Our Telegram welcome message has been improved to provide more useful information to new Electra investors.
Redesigning the homepage from the Electra website
The homepage on the Electra website doesn’t contain enough useful information for new people considering investing in Electra. This will be improved with a new design that better suits our target audience.
Electra & Redfox Cooperation Meetings
Earlier this year, we joined forces with RedFox which will enable both parties to be able to share knowledge and expertise. This will lead to new services, products, and strategic planning which in turn will help the project generate the necessary income for future development. Based on our agreement, we have held our first official meeting with Redfox. Busy schedules, holiday season, and the accommodating of different time zones for everyone to join the meeting prevented this from happening earlier. The outcome of this meeting was fruitful and created a solid base for the next more in-depth meeting.
Trezor wallet
With Trezor integration, our community will be able to also secure their coins within Trezor wallets. Electra has been integrated into testing firmware and in order to test it, we must finish the blockbook part.
As many of you know the work on the front-end of ElectraPay is progressing steadily and below you will find an update on the development.
- Woocommerce plugin completed
- Frontend login functionality completed
- Welcome e-mail completed
API’s completed for:
- Login and authentication
- Account Creation
- Account View/Edit/Close
- Address info View/Edit/Delete
- Contact info View/Edit/Delete
- API Key info View/Edit/Delete
- Order Creation / Settlement via authenticated API key
- Forgot password API
- Set password API
Next Steps
- Complete account creation (front-end)
- Complete landing page (front-end)
- Configure and implement SSL (API)
Other news
- User support/devs. have started to implement an auto-update feature in the QT wallet
- The first transaction in the iOS wallet has been concluded and the GUI is now being developed
- We have received the signed legal opinion from CSA Malta, which will be very beneficial as we move forward
Updated Chrome module
The Electra Chrome extension has been updated. This module will give you real-time statistics and details about Electra and is available for download using the link below.
Download Electra Chrome extension

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