Electra v2.0 QT Wallet Solution for Mac OS users who have High Sierra and Mojave
Our team compiled several QT v2.0 wallets for different operation systems but as you can imagine, some OS have limitations through which we faced with Mac OS “High Sierra” and “Mojave”. We will call it the HS&M solution from now on.
HS&M solution will be as follows :
XQuartz: https://dl.bintray.com/xquartz/downloads/XQuartz-2.7.11.dmg
Wyne: https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/macosx/pool/winehq-stable-4.0.pkg
“”As usual, please take a backup of your wallet.dat file before you proceed.””
1- Please install XQuartz on your Mac
2- Please install WineHq on your Mac
3- Download Windows QT Wallet 32bit from our official github page https://github.com/Electra-project/electra-core/releases/download/2.0.0/electra-qt-w32.exe
4- Log your session off and then log on again
5- Right click on electra-qt-w32.exe and open with, choose Wine stable
6- Wine will launch. If a package is missing, it will ask you to install it. Please do it for every required package.
7- Once you run your Electra wallet, it will ask you to choose your default folder for Electra data. Leave the “Default” one. After that click “OK”
8- Close the wallet fully now. You have to copy/paste your backup (wallet.dat) into Electra folder in .wine directory (screen bellow). If you don’t see this directory (home/USER/.wine), you must allow the steps to display the hidden folders on your Mac.

9- To see these hidden files, open the terminal and enter these 2 commands :
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
press ENTER
killall Finder
press ENTER
— ->Your hidden folders are now visible.
10- In this directory (Home/USER/.wine/drive_c/users/USER/Application Data/Electra) Delete the “wallet.dat” and copy/paste your backup (be sure it’s called “wallet.dat”).
11- Start your wallet as step 7, and voila “”You did it!”” Let the wallet synchronize the whole blockchain.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask support from our user support team on our Telegram and Discord channels.