Pay With Electra at WeShopWithCrypto
We are excited to announce that you can now shop online for hundreds of products and pay with Electra at . This new partnership is yet another step toward the global acceptance of cryptocurrencies and the growing mindset of consumers seeking to use their digital currencies just like traditional ones.

We Shop With Crypto unites online vendors of items from trendy sneakers to wireless headphones to stylish jewelry with consumers wishing to use their Electra safely and easily. We Shop With Crypto opens-up a worldwide marketplace for vendors by eliminating the need for currency exchange from consumers and vendors using different native currencies and also ships internationally.
We Shop With Crypto provides consumers with the most current exchange rates for their cryptocurrency by pulling real-time prices from Cointorox and then utilizes Atomic Swap technology to eliminate consumer and vendor exchange fees.

When you have a chance, visit We Shop With Crypto and then Pay with Electra!
To learn more about Electra, visit our website:
For more information about We Shop With Crypto, visit:
For more information about Cointorox, visit:
Written by: Captain Ron, Copywriting and Messaging Coordinator for Electra.